Label includes another | 2009-7-17 | pC | f265 [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J] |
2009-7-17 | pC | f275 [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J] | |
2009-7-17 | pC | f276 [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J] | |
2009-7-17 | pC | f309 [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J] | |
2009-7-17 | pC | f310 [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J] | |
2009-7-17 | pC | f314 [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J] | |
2009-7-17 | pC | f322 [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J] | |
Category | 2009-7-17 | !! | unknown [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J] |
Definition | 2009-7-17 | pC | ~escarpment [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J] |
Best image |
Description | 2009-7-17 | pC | a compact bricky red orange earth with complete mud bricks, gypsum pebbles. It start directly south of ^wal l12, covering the first courses of the wall. It slopes then to the south after half a meter. Just exposed was wet, sticky and compact, but after one day exposure to the sun was dry and friable. [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J] |
Argument | 2009-7-17 | pC | most probably a series of layers of earth mixed with mud bricks were laid at the base of wall f218 and f219, protecting it. [Input file: U717PC2.J / U717PC2.-J] |